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Why has news content been moved to the Westlaw Classic (Westlaw Next) platform?

Moving news content to the Westlaw Classic (Westlaw Next) platform provides users with an optimised user experience with more than 11,000 news and business information resources including newspapers, newswires and magazines across the world. Users will have access to substantially more content than they previously had access to.

What is quick access?

We have introduced a new tab for Practical Law within the new Westlaw Asia user interface, providing a list of quick links to key resources on Practical Law. If you subscribe to both Westlaw Asia and Practical Law, the access from Westlaw to Practical Law is now more seamless than ever. If you are interested in trialling Practical Law, please contact your account manager to experience this new feature.

What is the timeout limit for the new user interface?

In response to customer feedback, we have extended the timeout limit from 30 minutes to 3 hours on the Westlaw Asia new user interface.

What are the system requirements for the new user interface?

The new user interface supports all of the latest browsers. Please see below for updated system requirements.


All users

  • High-speed internet connection (4Mbs Download, 512kbps Upload ADSL)
  • Adobe Acrobat Reader 9.0 or later installed (Some print functionality is lost with older versions.)
  • JavaScript and cookies enabled in the browser
  • Do not delete cached files

Windows users. Microsoft Windows 7, Windows 10 running:

  • Internet Explorer 11 recommended
  • Firefox current version or Extended Support Release version
  • Google Chrome current version
  • Edge (Windows 10 only)


Mac users. OS 10.5 or later running:

  • Safari current version
  • Firefox current version or Extended Support Release version
  • Google Chrome current version


Mobile devices:

  • iPhone (iOS 10 or later, iPhone 6 or later)
  • iPad 2nd generation or later
  • Android (7.0 or later)


Opening Hong Kong PDF judgments 

  • If you are opening a PDF judgment on your web browsers, you may encounter an issue with displaying Chinese characters. This is because web browsers aren't understanding Chinese characters in the PDF format. To correct your display, please open the PDF in Adobe Reader. Once you open the PDF in Adobe Reader, it will prompt you to download the Asian font pack. If not, please go to the below link and download Asian and extended language pack from the Adobe site.


Opening articles from within the Hong Kong Current Awareness collection 

  • Articles from are currently not compatible with Internet Explorer and a blank screen may appear. Since the link is not managed by the Westlaw team, we are unable to resolve this issue. We are inquiring with Reuters team if there are any plans to change this and we recommend that you open links from in Chrome and Edge browsers only.  


Getting started with Westlaw Asia (6:45 min)

This video introduces some of the key content and functionality to get you started with Westlaw Asia.

Getting Started