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Hong Kong Law Reports and Digest: Recently reported cases, with observations by Mr Justice Bokhary

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Hong Kong Law Reports and Digest is the only authorised law reporting service in Hong Kong endorsed by the Judiciary. Cases are selected by the Hon Mr Justice Bokhary GBM, NPJ, General Editor, ensuring the most reliable and comprehensive coverage of over 100 years of official case law in Hong Kong.

The following cases were recently reported by the Hon Mr Justice Bokhary. See below for His Lordship’s remarks and observations by way of Editor’s Notes.

Chan Yat Ling v Tang, Wong & Chow (a firm) [2022] 2 HKLRD 884

 “There being no statutory definition of the word ‘delivery’ in s.67(1) of the Legal Practitioners Ordinance (Cap.159), the Court supplied the meaning of that word as used in that legislation for the purpose of resolving the issue between the parties of whether there had been such delivery in the present case.”

HKSAR v Hoang Gia Huan [2022] 2 HKLRD 937

 “(1) Attention is drawn to what the Court of Appeal said at paras.89 - 93 in regard to jury directions, the role of jurors and how the directions to them must be tailored to the facts and circumstances of each case. (2) One possibility in regard to the absence of fingerprints on any given item is the leading of expert evidence, or the agreeing of facts, on whether such an item could be handled without leaving any fingerprint on it even if the person handling it had not worn gloves.”

By Hong Kong Law Reporting Team

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