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Hong Kong Law Reports and Digest: Recently reported cases, with observations by Mr Justice Bokhary

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Hong Kong Law Reports and Digest is the only authorised law reporting service in Hong Kong endorsed by the Judiciary. Cases are selected by the Hon Mr Justice Bokhary GBM, NPJ, General Editor, ensuring the most reliable and comprehensive coverage of over 100 years of official case law in Hong Kong.

The following cases were recently reported by the Hon Mr Justice Bokhary. See below for His Lordship’s remarks and observations by way of Editor’s Notes.

HKSAR v Sysoev Igorevich Iurii [2023] 3 HKLRD 20

 "The importance of this judgment lies principally in what it says about translation at trial and the approach to complaints of errors of translation thereat.

Rabkar Tsulrim Ling Buddhist (Hong Kong) Ltd v Person(s) in Occupation of Lot No 350 in DD 358 and Wong Lee Ming (黃利明) [2023] 3 HKLRD 214 

"This judgment is reported for what was, and what was not, held to be appropriate relief to grant upon acceded to the claim to a possessory title acquired through adverse possession."

Coomber v Lau NgWai Lan Rita (Chairman, Public Service Commission) [2023] 3 HKLRD 231

 "The foregoing holdings indicate the legal principles involved and their application; but for the full context of the case, this judgment is of course to be read in its entirety."

By Hong Kong Law Reporting Team

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