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Legislation in Westlaw Asia (2:52 min)

See different ways to search current legislation for major jurisdictions, including Hong Kong, India, Malaysia, Philippines and the United Kingdom.

Cases in Westlaw Asia (5:47 min)

Learn how to search and browse cases across multiple countries. You can search by Party Names, Citation, Subject and even Legislation and/or Cases Cited. This video explains Case Analysis document...

Alerts and Trail in Westlaw Asia (4:27 min)

A detailed guideline is provided to set-up an Alert to stay up-to-date in your legal practice, and how to keep a research trail.

Navigate search results in Westlaw Asia (5:23 min)

Learn how to navigate within search results to identify the most relevant document for you. Once you have pinpointed the document, you can not only save, download or email the result, but also set-up...

New interface changes to Westlaw Asia (4:56 min)

One of the key innovations made to the interface is having three different search modes. See how you can best utilise these modes, as well as conducting Boolean Connectors and Natural Language search.

Westlaw Asia Guide - Register your OnePass and login

OnePass is a username and password, created by you, that can be linked to multiple Thomson Reuters platforms and applications. This guide details how to create your OnePass profile and link it to other Thomson Reuters products.



Westlaw Asia Guide - Quick start user guide

This comprehensive guide details how to login to Westlaw Asia, conduct research and browse cases, legislation, commentary products, and journals. An overview of Westlaw UK is also provided.



Will Thomson Reuters Customer Care have access to OnePass usernames and passwords?

Customer Care will have access to OnePass usernames and will have the ability to reset passwords. After a password is reset, a temporary password will be emailed to the user. Once logged in using the temporary password, the user will be prompted to create a new password. For security purposes, Customer Care does not have access to OnePass passwords.

How often can I change my password?

You have control over how often you want to change it, so it is up to you.