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Hong Kong Law Reports and Digest: Judgments recently reported

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The following cases were recently reported in the Hong Kong Law Reports and Digest – the only authorised law reporting service in Hong Kong endorsed by the Judiciary. Each reported case includes a headnote highlighting the key issues and decision in the case.

December Part 1

Ko Kang Suk v Director of Immigration [2024] 5 HKLRD 409

Choi Wai Lup v Housing Appeal Tribunal [2024] 5 HKLRD 431

Violet Passion Holdings Ltd v Lian Yi (連軼) [2024] 5 HKLRD 449

HJ InnoXcell Ltd v Teh Boon Khuan [2024] 5 HKLRD 462

Tsui Yuk King Sophie v Registrar of Companies [2024] 5 HKLRD 480

Dimitrov v Lau Tak Ming Dominic [2024] 5 HKLRD 487

HKSAR v Cheung King Sang Kinson [2024] 5 HKLRD 501

Hostford Development Ltd v Town Planning Board [2024] 5 HKLRD 520

Falcome Co Ltd v ZJ 300 (IO) [2024] 5 HKLRD 563

So Shu Yau (蘇書幼) v District Court Registry (區域法院登記處) [2024] 5 HKLRD 583

律政司司長 訴 蘇廿九 [2024] 5 HKLRD 585

Secretary for Justice v So Ya Kau [2024] 5 HKLRD 604

December Part 2

WLK v CCIW (Financial Provision for Family and Dependants) [2024] 5 HKLRD 628

M (Child Abduction), Re [2024] 5 HKLRD 658

HKSAR v Woo Ka Wah Wilcox [2024] 5 HKLRD 686

Hsu Ling Mei v Personal Representative of Ip Tai Lui Leonard (Deceased) [2024] 5 HKLRD 689

P1 v D (Arbitration: Security for Costs) [2024] 5 HKLRD 699

Worldwide International Corp Ltd v Gloryluck Industrial Ltd [2024] 5 HKLRD 722

BGA Holdings Ltd (北斗控股有限公司) v Chu Kong (朱江) [2024] 5 HKLRD 741

Hsin Chong Construction (Asia) Ltd (In Liq), Re [2024] 5 HKLRD 770

Phillip James Kingston (Bankrupt), Re [2024] 5 HKLRD 788

China Electronics Leasing Co Ltd (In Liq) (中國電子租賃有限公司), Re [2024] 5 HKLRD 805

律政司司長 訴 中國路橋工程有限責任公司 [2024] 5 HKLRD 818

Secretary for Justice v China Road and Bridge Corp [2024] 5 HKLRD 836

By Hong Kong Law Reporting Team

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